Election Notice Feb 5, 2022
SA Twin Cities Intergroup has announced a meeting for electing new positions for 2022 to be held Saturday Feb 5, 2022 at 9:30AM at Day by Day Cafe in St Paul, MN. Pending pandemic prevention conditions the meeting may be changed to a remote format.
Guidelines for assembling and operating SA Intergroup are found in the SA Service Manual. Robert’s Rules of Order (RONR) will be followed during the meeting.
Downloadable version of this notice
Positions open for election
All elected positions are for a yearly term
Candidate requirements
- Candidates should support and believe in the SA sobriety definition
- Candidates should have 6 months of SA sobriety
Candidates will be nominated “From the Floor” as per RONR.
Elections will be conducted by ballot during the in person Feb 5, 2022 meeting.
Terms will begin effectively immediately following the election meeting.
Twelve Step work is important. We recognize that half-measures avail us nothing. We need the ensure Fellowship of recovering sexaholics with a collection of diverse talents, to serve. Balance is our objective. Long-term sobriety for our leaders is a primary prerequisite. We are also looking for those with peace of mind, demonstrated humility, and intuition. Recovery is about progressive victory over lust. We seek those whose “dedication, stability, vision and special skills” will willingly undertake every service assignment (“Vital Need,” A.A.S.M. 39).
SA Service Manual p.3
What is Intergroup?
“In SA, the Intergroup is comprised of representatives – Group Service Representatives (GSR) – from all the meetings in a local area.” Intergroup:
• Facilitates communication among member groups.
• Assists in starting new meetings.
• Monitors and funds the local telephone hotline and website referral system.
• Purchases and distributes SA literature to the member groups.
• Sends financial contributions to the Regional Assembly and SAICO.
• Oversees the maintenance and distribution of the local meeting list or directory.
• Sponsors conferences, marathon meetings, Step workshops, and retreats.
• Provides a forum for meetings to share ideas for strengthening recovery.
Why Should We Go to the Trouble of Nominations and Elections?
After all, this kind of work requires oversight and considerable expense. When governing structures are established, do they not further the ego and self-centeredness that brought us to the point of despair? In fact the opposite can be true. Leadership that trusts “a loving God as he expresses himself in our group conscience” (Tradition Two) can plan, communicate, discuss, and even have heated debate. Such leadership can provide opportunities for the collective expression of the fellowship. It can also help deflate the ego and teach humility. Tradition One asserts that we must hear the collective wisdom of the membership; then we need to elect leaders to act on our behalf (“Leadership in A.A.: Ever a Vital Need,” The A.A. Service Manual [A.A.S.M.] 38-43).
SA Sobriety Definition
In defining sobriety, we do not speak for those outside Sexaholics Anonymous. We can only speak for ourselves. Thus, for the married sexaholic, sexual sobriety means having no form of sex with self or with persons other than the spouse. In SA’s sobriety definition, the term “spouse” refers to one’s partner in a marriage between a man and a woman. For the unmarried sexaholic, sexual sobriety means freedom from sex of any kind. And for all of us, single and married alike, sexual sobriety also includes progressive victory over lust (Sexaholics Anonymous, 191-192).
Position Responsibilities
- Sets the agenda, using the input of the GSRs.
- Facilitates the meeting.
- Develops a working knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order; knowledge of Robert’s Rules is not a requirement for eligibility, however.
- When a vote is required, calls for motion and second, allows time for discussion, then calls the vote.
- Shares information and announces events to members via Intergroup Online E-mail Group, or by other appropriate means.
Recording Secretary
- Takes notes during the meeting and records any motions and votes taken.
- Presents written minutes at the start of every meeting for approval by the group.
- Keeps an archive of minutes, group conscience decisions, and action items and has them available for reference.
- Maintains a contact list of current GSRs and their service positions. This list, made available to all the groups, contains contact information so that all Trusted Servants are directly accessible to the groups.
- Receives and makes record of donations from groups.
- Pays rent and other bills, including website expenses, phone bills, and printing costs for directories and flyers announcing Intergroup events.
- Makes donations to Regional Assembly and SAICO.
- Maintains a record of all transactions and accounts for all monies in a written monthly report.